
Hortau Irrigation Management

Mobile App
React Native

Development of Hortau Mobile App, a solution that allows farmers to manage their irrigation systems remotely.

Hortau Solution

Project context

Hortau provide growers with real-time field and soil data to help you make decisions about irrigation and fertilizer applications.

Hortau do this by using soil tension sensors that link to a mobile web app, allowing you to monitor water and fertilizer movement throughout the soil profile and determine when and how much to irrigate.

For reasons of maintenance cost, agility and team size, Hortau wanted to abandon its native iOS (Objective-C) and Android (Kotlin) applications and replace them with a mobile application with a single code base in React Native.

Hortau app screenshot

Our role

We were a team of 3 frontend developers in charge of the redesign of the mobile application in React Native.

Many new features, as well as a visual redesign, were on the agenda for this redesign.

Hortau app screenshot

My contribution

Development of several features, including irrigation automation.

Improvement of development practices with the implementation of Atomic Design.

Improvement of unit testing practices with user oriented testing with Testing Library and Testing Trophy approach of Kent C. Dodds.

Technological Stack

React Native
Testing Library